Three Types of UTIs

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common types of infection experienced by people today, and they can often cause significant discomfort and distress. To help you better recognize the signs of a UTI, it’s essential to understand different causes, symptoms, and treatments so that we can provide you with the best possible care. 

We will explore various aspects of UTIs – from understanding what bacteria causes these infections to recognizing the many issues that arise when these infections aren’t correctly treated. With a firm footing in knowledge regarding urinary tract infections, you can prevent further damage from occurring while helping lead each step along your patient's recovery process.

Although UTIs are the more common infection, they can cause much bigger issues.


Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra - the tube that carries urine from your bladder to outside your body. UTIs are a common cause of urethritis. It can also be caused by infection from bacteria, STD viruses, or an allergic reaction to something you’ve been in contact with.

Treating urethritis revolves around detecting and treating the underlying cause. UTis usually require antibiotics, whereas allergies may involve changing lifestyle habits and avoiding what triggers the reaction. 

For infectious causes, symptom relief may involve using lubrication for discomfort during urination, topical or oral medications to reduce swelling and pain, or in some cases abstaining from sexual activity until genital lesions have healed.

Prevention involves safe sex practices and urinary tract hygiene. With proper treatment, a full recovery from urethritis is expected.


Pyelonephritis is an upper urinary tract infection caused by bacterial and viral pathogens. It is a type of UTI or Urinary Tract Infection that can be extremely painful and spread quickly.

Fortunately, it is not uncommon, and there are many treatments available. These include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, diuretics, and other medical therapies such as dialysis and surgery in more severe cases.

Regardless of which treatment is chosen, recognition and diagnosis at the earliest opportunity can prevent extensive damage to the kidneys due to prolonged infection left untreated.


Cystitis is a bladder condition that millions of people suffer from every year. It's caused by an infection within the urinary tract and can range from mild to severe if left untreated.

Symptoms of cystitis include a burning sensation when urinating and increased frequency of urination, but not all UTIs will exhibit the same symptoms.

To treat cystitis, doctors may prescribe medications like antibiotics or offer recommendations for simple lifestyle changes such as consuming more water or dietary tweaks like decreasing caffeine, sugar, or alcohol consumption. While it is relatively common and easy to diagnose, it pays to act quickly should you think you might have a UTI, as delaying can lead to further complications down the road.

Of course we pray that you don’t experience UTIs, but as they are so common it is good to be prepared for the just in case. UTIs tend to effect women slightly more than as their anatomy is more susceptible, as well as side effects of certain birth control and menopause.  If you're experiencing persistent or extreme symptoms of a UTI, it's essential to get medical attention. Schedule an appointment with one of Mississippi Urology Clinic Urologists today to get help keeping your urinary system healthy.


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