The Truth Behind A Vasectomy, Why It's Not So Bad

Vasectomies are a form of male birth control that is becoming quite popular. We are noticing that there are still some misconceptions about what the process is and whether or not it is safe. If you are considering getting a Vasectomy, you might have questions about the process and what to expect. Here is some more information about Vasectomies to help you make your decision.

What Is The Procedure For A Vasectomy

The patient would need to meet with a urologist, who would be able to perform the procedure at either a hospital or doctor's office. A patient chooses between an outpatient or inpatient vasectomy depending on personal preference and comfort level.

The first step of a Vasectomy is using anesthesia to numb the area in question. A Vasectomy usually takes less than 30 minutes to complete. To perform a Vasectomy, a surgeon uses one of two methods:

Vasectomy via VasClips:

Vasclips are small metal clips with pointed ends used to block the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the penis. Vasclips work by applying pressure to each vas deferens, securing them so the sperm cannot be released. 

Vasclips are applied one at a time through a single hole in the skin. Or both at once with an instrument called an applier. Vasectomy via Vasclips is most often performed on an outpatient basis because no tissue cutting is involved, and it is minimally invasive.

Vasectomy via Conventional Method (Cutting): 

The surgeon cuts off each tube above where they meet the scrotum. This is the more traditional way of performing a Vasectomy and is done under anesthesia. Recovery time is about two weeks, during which there is some pain and swelling. There may also be some bruising.

What Happens After A Vasectomy

Following the Vasectomy, patients must abstain from ejaculating for at least one to two weeks after surgery to allow the area to heal correctly. 

While patients can resume their usual activities right away, it is recommended that they take it easy for the first few days post-surgery. Heavy lifting and strenuous exercise should be avoided for about four weeks.

Most men experience very little pain or discomfort after the Vasectomy, if at all. There may be some swelling or bruising around the scrotum, but this typically disappears within a few days. 

Vasectomies have been considered safe for many years. They do not affect sexual performance or libido, nor do they result in impotence.

Are There Restrictions In Obtaining A Vasectomy

Vasectomies should be performed on men who have decided to no longer father children and would like to enjoy life without worrying about pregnancy. 

Vasectomies are ineffective immediately after the procedure; sperm remain in the vas deferens for several months, so couples must use other birth control methods during that time frame. 

Vasectomy does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, or HPV. Additional restrictions include those with a history of mental health issues and are not recommended for men with azoospermia (absence of sperm in the ejaculate).

Can A Vasectomy Be Reversed

A Vasectomy is intended to be permanent; however, it can be reversed in some cases. A Vasectomy reversal is a surgical procedure that reconnects the Vas deferens. The success depends on how long it's been since the Vasectomy was performed, the type of Vasectomy, and other health factors. 

Vasectomy reversals are typically more successful when they are performed soon after the original procedure. 

Mississippi Urology Clinic Performs Vasectomy Procedure 

If you are considering a Vasectomy, it is important to discuss all your options. Make sure you understand the risks and benefits of each option before making a decision. Schedule an appointment with one of Mississippi Urology Clinic Urologists today to get help keeping your urinary system healthy.


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