Your incisions are sealed from outside bacteria within two days of surgery. Nonetheless, you should protect it from dirt and soiling for the first ten days or so. The incisions will be tender for the first week and the edges should NOT be pulled apart. The steri-strips should be left on for at least 10-14 days, if possible. After this period, you may remove the steri-strips. If a NEW area of redness or swelling occurs, please let us know.


You may return to your normal diet. Alcohol, spicy foods, and drinks with caffeine may cause some irritation or sense of the need to void despite the fact that the catheter is emptying the bladder. If these foods do not bother you, however, there is no reason to avoid them in moderation. More importantly, keep your urine flowing freely. Drink plenty of fluids during the day (8-10 glasses). The type of fluid (except alcohol) is not as important as is the amount. Water is best, but juices, coffee, tea, soda are all acceptable.


Your physical activity is to be restricted, especially during the first two weeks you are home. You are encouraged to walk as much as you can tolerate. During this time use the following guidelines:

  • No heavy lifting greater than 10-15 lbs. and No strenuous exercise for 4 weeks. Then, gradually increase as tolerated.
  • No driving or machinery while having pain and taking narcotic pain meds. Usually 1-2 weeks.
  • Limit long car rides for 1-2 weeks.
  • You may climb stairs, but be careful.


The rectum and prostate are next to each other and any very large and hard stools that require straining to pass can cause bleeding. You may take stool softeners (i.e. Colace, Surfak, etc.) as needed. A bowel movement every other day is reasonable. Use a mild laxative if needed and call if you are having problems. (i.e. MOM 2-3 tbsp. Or 2 Dulcolax tabs). Patients sometimes develop diarrhea probably secondary to antibiotics. You may use Kaopectate as directed (avoid Imodium). If it persists, please call. DO NOT strain to have a bowel movement as this may break the sutures connecting your bladder and urethra which may require leaving your catheter in longer (3-4+ weeks).


You should resume your pre-surgery medication(s) unless told not to. You may be discharged with Iron tablets to build up your blood count. These may cause constipation, and will cause dark stools. You will also be discharged with pain pills (i.e. Darvocet, Demerol, Percocet, Vicodin) for post-operative pain control from the incision and catheter. Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen) which have no narcotics may be used if the pain is not too bad (and you can tolerate those medications!).


You may shower 48 hours after surgery. Avoid baths until the incision heals.


  • Fevers over 101 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Heavy bleeding or clots. You will notice blood in your catheter and bag which is normal, but if it is excessive or the catheter becomes plugged and not draining, please call.
  • Drug reactions (hives, rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).


You will need a follow-up appointment in approximately 10-14 days. Please call the office for an appointment. We will then schedule a time to have your stent removed.