Our specially trained urologists can help you understand your symptoms and how they can relate to your overall well-being. At Mississippi Urology Center, you will receive the care you need and deserve. So let's work together to get to the bottom of your symptoms. 


Prostatitis is characterized as the inflammation of the prostate gland. It is most commonly associat...

Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer is the formation of cancerous cells in the testicles. The testicles are the male r...

Testicular Pain/Scrotal Pain

Testicular pain is pain associated with one or both testicles located in the scrotum, the sac that h...

Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone deficiency is the decline of the production of testosterone by the testes. ...

Urethral Cancer

Urethral cancer is the formation of cancerous cells in the urethra....

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary tract infection is as a bacterial infection that occurs when bacteria enters the urethra and...

Vaginal Prolapse

Vaginal prolapse occurs when an organ in the pelvis or the top portion of the vagina drops down into...